I invite everyone, children and adults, to dive into the flow of colors and shapes in art classes.
Every human being has an innate propensity for music, drawing, crafts, and technical creation. Everyone has talents and abilities. Artistic creation and self-expression help to achieve fullness, to experience the joy of creation, to relax from stress, to make life’s rushing easier and more creative.
Workshops combine the elements of art, color, music therapy. Here we draw, paint, talk and learn not to be afraid to make mistakes. The creative process opens up new inner possibilities, realizes the forgotten, timid, long-lived creative impulses of the soul. Learning to freely express one’s thoughts, feelings, moods in a safe group of like-minded people in a cozy environment. It’s time for YOURSELF. For a meaningful conversation. And for inner SILENCE.
* Adult Artistic Expression Group * Children’s Artistic Expression Group * Individual drawing, painting, composition training. * Silk painting lessons * Festive one-time art/silk painting activity (for hen parties, birthdays, personal occasions, time combined individually)
Duration: 1.5 hours from 17.00 / 17.30 hours, if necessary, can be combined with day and time. Tel. For inquiries: +370 614 38844. Studio Address: Smilties pylimo g. 10, Klaipeda.
MANTĖ, 10 years old, “Clouds”, 30×40, gouache
LEONARDAS, 8 years old., “Winter”, 30×40, gouache
JORŪNĖ, 7 years old, “Autumn”, 20×30, gouache
EMILIJA, 9 years old, “Flowering tree”, 40×30, gouache
SOFIJA, 9 yaer old, “Kitty in the fall”, 30×40, gouach
KOTRYNA GELMINĖ, 9 years old, “Flowering spring”, 30×40, gouache
AMELIJA, 5 years old, “A girl”, 30×20, gouache
INGA, 48 years old, “Mountains”, 30×40, gouache
INGA, 48 years old, “Blue and yellow”, 30×40, gouache
TOMAS, 40 years old, “Still life with apple and stone”, 30×40, gouache
GIEDRĖ, 40 m., “Serene landscape”, 30×40, gouache
MARIJA, 38 myears old, “Improvisation by Aborigenal art “, 40×30, gouache
MARIJA, 38 years old, “Still life with autumn flowers and apples”, 30×40, gouahe
RAMUNĖ, 46 years old, “Lupines in the meadow”, 40×30, acrylic on canvas
KORNELIJA, 8 years old, “Wild flowers in spring”, coloured pencils
GABRIELĖ, 10 years old, “Little vase with autumn flowers”, 30×20, coloured pencils
ROKAS, 16 years old, “Still life with pumpkin, pear and shell”, 30×40, pencil
ROKAS, 14 years old, “Autumn still life”, 21×30, pencil
BETA, 19 years old, “Mother and daughter”, 90×180, silk ponge. Fragment