CRAZY SPRING, 2, shawl, blouse/tunic, 2020, 90×190 cm, silk crepe satin, Dupont steam fixed silk paints
CRAZY SPRING, 2, shawl, blouse/tunic, 2020, 90×190 cm, silk crepe satin, Dupont steam fixed silk paints
CRAZY SPRING, 2, shawl, blouse/tunic, 2020, 90×190 cm, silk crepe satin, Dupont steam fixed silk paints
CRAZY SPRING, shawl, blouse/tunic, 2020, 90×190 cm, silk crepe satin, Dupont steam fixwd silk paint
CRAZY NOVEMBER, shawl, tunic, 2019, 90×190, silk crepe satin, steam fixed silk paints
CRAZY NOVEMBER, shawl, tunic, 2019, 90×190, silk crepe satin, steam fixed silk paints
CHRYZANTHEMUM, 2016, blouse, silk ponge
CHRYZANTHEMUM, 2016, blouse, silk ponge
CHRYZANTHEMUM, 2016, blouse, silk ponge
MEADOW, BUTTERFLIES AND DRAGONFLIES, 2015, blouse fragment, crepe de Chine (sold)
MEADOW, BUTTERFLIES AND DRAGONFLIES, 2015, blouse fragment, crepe de Chine (sold)
MEADOW, BUTTERFLIES AND DRAGONFLIES, 2015, blouse fragment, crepe de Chine (sold)
BLACK CHRYSANTHEMUM, blouse, 2015, crepe de Chine, silk paints (sold)
BLACK CHRYSANTHEMUM, blouse, 2015, crepe de Chine, silk paints. Fragment (sold)
BLACK CHRYSANTHEMUM, blouse, 2015, crepe de Chine, silk paints (sold)
SUMMER MORNING, 2013, dress, crepe de Chine, satin, silk paints (the property of the author)
SUMMER MORNING, 2013, dress, crepe de Chine, satin, silk paints (the property of the author)
SUMMER EVENING, 2013, dress, crepe de Chine, satin, silk paints. Fragment (the property of the author)
HOLLYHOCK, 2013, dress, silk ponge, silk paints (ordering)
HOLLYHOCK, 2013, dress, silk ponge, silk paints (ordering)
PILIAROŽĖ, suknelė, 2013, šilkas ponge. Fragmentas
LILAC EVENING, 2013, tunic, silk ponge, silk paints (ordering)
LILAC EVENING, 2013, tunic, silk ponge, silk paints (ordering)
LILAC EVENING, 2013, tunic, silk ponge, silk paints. Frgament (ordering)
SUMMER ARABESQUE, 2012, tunic, crepe de Chine, chiffon, satin, silk paints (the property of the author)
SUMMER ARABESQUE, 2012, tunic, crepe de Chine, chiffon, satin, šilk paints (the property of the author)
SUMMER ARABESQUE, 2012, tunic, crepe de Chine, chiffon, satin, silk paints (the property of the author)
EVENING, 2013, skirt, chiffon, silk paints, rayon (the property of the author)
EVENING, 2013, skirt, chiffon, silk paints, rayon (the property of the author)
RED ARABESQUE, 2012, necktie, silk ponge, silk paints (sold)
FOREST FAIRY TALE, 2014, necktie, silk ponge, silk paints (sold)
NIGHT ARABESQUE, 2012, necktie, silk ponge, silk paints (sold)